How to keep kids occupied at the airport

Getting to the airport, checking in and waiting for your flight can be a stressful process; add kids to the mix and it can VERY stressful indeed. Here are a couple of handy activity ideas that we found online to keep them occupied and hopefully keep you sane.

1. Watch the aeroplanes

Sorry, this seems obvious but sometimes it's easy to forget what's on your doorstep. Look out of the window and discuss all the different types of aeroplanes, how they work and where they might be going.

2. Airport games 

Make walking around the terminal a game by playing 'I spy' or if you have loads of time to kill, go on a scavenger hunt. Ask your child to find a particular object, sign or place in different areas of the airport – some good exercise for parents too!

3. Suitcase races 

If your child owns a suitcase on wheels and there is large empty area in the airport, your children could have a suitcase race. One adult could be the starting post and the other could be the finish line!

4. Start their holiday journal 

What better time to start a holiday journal or diary than at the beginning of the holiday. Your child could write about getting up in the morning, the journey to the airport and what they have been doing at the airport. This will encourage them to continue writing when they have reached their holiday destination. 

5. Activity books 

Activity books are a great solution to airport boredom as children can get very engrossed in them. Try Sticker Books, Game Cards, and Activity Packs.

6. Have an airport picnic 

Children will find the idea of an airport picnic more fun than a regular picnic. Bring a blanket in your hand luggage and stock up on snacks airside. 

7. Airport role play 

Use your environment wisely and role play different characters you find at an airport. Perhaps your child could man the check-in desk and you are a traveller waiting to check in.

We hope these ideas help you on your next airport adventure!