Make! A giraffe storage box out of paper mache

Recycle an old shoebox and some newspaper to create a new giraffe friend, which doubles up as paper mache box, that can be used to store your possessions – or makes a great homemade gift for someone’s birthday.

Download the printable instructions for how to make a Giraffe storage box from our Make Safari Animals book!

You will need:

• Acrylic paint – yellow, brown • Box (8 cm x 8 cm x 13 cm) • Card (scraps) • Card tube (15 cm x 3 cm) • 4 card tubes (8 cm x 3 cm) • Eye stickers (if desired) • Felt pen – black • Glue brush • Paintbrush • Pencil • Pipe cleaner – thin brown • Polystyrene egg (8 cm) • PVA glue • Scissors • Sticky tape • 3 wooden beads (2 cm in diameter)

Step by step guide:

1. Tape the card tubes to the underside of the box. This is the body and legs. Turn over the box to make sure the legs are level.

2. To make the head and neck, tape the polystyrene egg to the top of the long tube. Cut out two card ears and tape them to the head.

3. Make a diagonal cut through the other end of the long tube. Tape it to the lid of the box, so it sits at an angle.

4. Glue pieces of newspaper on the whole model, but don’t glue the lid to the box. Leave it to dry.

5. Paint the giraffe yellow. Use brown paint to add spots. Leave to dry.

6. Use the black felt pen to draw the nostrils and mouth. Add eye stickers or draw them on.

7. Cut the pipe cleaner into one long and two short pieces. Add a bead to each piece. Push the two short pieces into the head and the long piece into the end of the body to make a tail.