Meet our Authors & Illustrators

Authors of Miles Kelly kids' books

Anne Rooney

Before becoming a writer, Anne Rooney studied and taught medieval English and French literature at the universities of York and Cambridge. She writes short books for children, young adults and adults.

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Barbara Taylor

After studying Environmental Sciences at Southampton University, Barbara Taylor became a science editor and writer at London’s Natural History Museum. Barbara has worked as an editor for a number of London publishers and has written over 120 award winning children’s information books and encyclopaedias.

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Camilla de le Bedoyere

One of UK libraries most borrowed authors, Camilla de la Bedoyere has been writing for 20 years and had over 250 books published. Camilla particularly enjoys writing creative non-fiction and she is a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London. She lives in London, and whenever possible, travels to watch wildlife in action.

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Catherine Veitch

Having trained as an infant primary teacher, Catherine Veitch worked as an editor and writer for twenty years in children’s magazines and books. Today, when she’s not walking her Sheltie dog, Arthur, she enjoys writing and creating content for children’s story, puzzle activity and early learning books.

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Clive Gifford

An experienced journalist and author, Clive Gifford has written over 200 engaging and entertaining non-fiction books for children and young adults. Clive has travelled through over 70 countries, formed a computer games company, and was once the top scorer at the European Indoor Ultimate Frisbee Championships!

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Ian Graham

Born in Belfast, Ian Graham worked as a magazine journalist and editor in London, before becoming a freelance writer and moving to rural Norfolk. He has since written more than 240 books, specialising in illustrated non-fiction for children and teens. 

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Philip Steele

Born in Dorking, Surrey, Phillip Steele writes exciting non-fiction for children about history, famous lives, social issues, current affairs, and lands and peoples. Phillip now lives on the Isle of Anglesey, in North Wales, which he has written several books for adults about. 

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Illustrators of Miles Kelly children's books

Ailie Busby

Best known for her colourful pre-school and novelty formats, Ailie Busby studied Graphic Design and then specialised in Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art.

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Ana Gomez

Having studied Fine Arts at Salamanca University in Spain, Ana Gomez expresses her creativity through illustrations, sharing the humour and joy she finds inside. She takes her inspiration from children… they are a goldmine!

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Chris Jevons

Having studied 3D animation at university, Chris Jevons worked as a graphic designer and 2D animator. He now illustrates picture books and fiction titles for a living. 

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Daniel Rieley

A freelance illustrator based in London, Daniel Rieley is inspired by French cinema, hiking in remote landscapes, wild animals, surfing and the ocean.

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Diane Ewen

Inspired by the use of vibrant colour, Diane Ewen creates illustrations that are hand-drawn in pencil before painting in watercolour and acrylics and embellishing them using Photoshop.

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Ela Smietanka

Having graduated from the Faculty of Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Ela Smietanka combines pencils, paints and Photoshop in her work.

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Born in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Elissambura has been captivated by images, stories, colours, animals, books, and above all her own imagination since she was a child.

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Jack Viant

A designer and illustrator from Plymouth, UK, Jack Viant is inspired by picture books, packaging, toys, advertising campaigns aimed at children, and the 90s cartoons he grew up with.

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Jean Claude

Currently living and working in Lisbon, Portugal, Jean Claude is a self-taught illustrator from the UK. He loves making ceramics, visiting the botanical gardens and baking bread.

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Jorge Martin

Originally from Spain, Jorge Martin has lived in San Francisco, Mexico City, Hamburg, and London. He writes and illustrates books, runs picture book courses and draws live at conferences and events. He has also cycled to Mongolia!

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Leire Martin

Born in San Sebastian, Spain, Leire Martin worked as a 3D artist for 3 years before following her passion of becoming an illustrator. She is a stationery lover, and could easily spend a whole day browsing for art supplies!

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Liza Lewis

Taking inspiration from her family, dog, cat, animals, toys and music, Liza Lewis loves all illustration and enjoys creating bright characters and icons that fill a child’s imagination. 

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Lucy Semple

Based in Nottinghamshire, Lucy Semple graduated with a degree from Loughborough University in Graphic Communication and Illustration. When she isn’t illustrating she enjoys baking, drinking tea and watching films with her partner and daughter.

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Mike Moran

Based in New Jersey, Mike Moran’s clients have included Disney, Major League Baseball, the Grammys and many more. One day he hopes to become the 5th Beatle!

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Nila Aye

Born in Rangoon, Myanmar, Nila Aye arrived in the UK at the age of three, and spent most of her childhood dreaming and drawing pictures. Nila’s mission is to bring beautifully illustrated books to a new generation of young readers around the world through her work.

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Paul Nicholls

Having graduated from the North Wales School of Art and Design in 2000, Paul Nicholls currently lives on the Welsh coast, where he shares a studio with his partner and fellow illustrator, Melanie Mitchell.

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Richard Watson

As a young child, Richard Watson was an avid reader who loved to immerse himself in books, particularly those of Quentin Blake and Roald Dahl. He began working as an illustrator soon after leaving the Lincoln University School of Art and Design in 2003.

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Sophia Touliatou

Having studied Graphic Design, Sophia Touliatou is now an award-winning children’s illustrator. Her work can be found all over the world, including the US, Japan and Australia.

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Steve Wood

When drawing, Steven Wood’s main focus is bringing life and movement to his pictures through a cast of characters. He lives in North London and works from a little studio in his house.

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Tim Budgen

Born in Surrey in 1977, Tim Budgen is a freelance illustrator with a passion for character design and storytelling. He lives with his wife by the sea on Hayling Island with their pets Baxter the cockapoo and Alfie the cat.

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Tony Neal

Inspired by everyday life and the quirky details that surround us, Tony Neal loves to create charming characters in whimsical scenes and tell stories with his pictures.

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Zoe Waring

A children’s book author, illustrator and designer, Zoe Waring is based in Newcastle upon Tyne. She has previously worked as a Senior Designer for some of the leading publishers in the UK. 

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